
Save Girl Child Essay for Students and Children

Women are a very important part of society and participate equally in every aspect of life on earth. In India, the sex ratio of women is decreasing because the daughters are killed in the womb of the mother, which is called female feticide. It seems that after some time, the female population may be in trouble. Therefore, to maintain the sex ratio of women in India, it is very important to save girls.

When we kill a girl, we not only kill her but we also end all the relationships related to her. If you want the next generation, then it is necessary to save the daughters. It is necessary to save the daughters keeping in mind the increasing number of female foeticide and continuous declining sex ratio. In 2001, 927 girls were at 1000 boys while by 2014 the ratio was 918 girls at 1000 boys. To save daughters, the government has also started the campaign of Beti Bachao.

Causes of killing the Female

(1) Mentality – The mentality of the people was confined to such an extent that they started to believe that girls only have to go to the next house. To pursue the lineage, only a boy is necessary. Due to this narrow mindset, many people kill girls before birth.

(2) Dowry – Some people are afraid of the expenses and dowry in their marriage when the girl grows up because they know that in this era of inflation they will not be able to give dowry. Most poor people commit the same sin as murdering the girl.

(3) Physical exploitation – Seeing the news of rape, people are forced to think that they should not have a girl in their house. Due to this, female foeticide is increasing.

Measures to Save Daughters

Woman is the lemon of every household. If there is no woman, no house will remain. If you want daughters-in-law for sons, then save daughters. They can be saved in many ways-

  • The government has prohibited the examination of the child in the womb and the person giving information about the investigation to the police is also rewarded by the government.
  • Both the taking and giving of dowry has been banned by the government.
  • If rich people get marry poor girls, then no poor girls will be killed.
  • The government has run many schemes like Jan Dhan Yojana for girls.

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Conclusion The courtyard of the house is incomplete without a daughter. Our society needs both boys and girls. These are two sides of the same coin. If there are no girls, then society will not be able to function properly. The girl is also a mother, if she is not there then there will be no children and there will not be a future generation either. So we all have to save the girls together.

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