
Essay on Terrorism for Students and Children

If we try to understand terrorism in simple terms, then it is known that it is an act of violence. Converts peace into turmoil. It can be both international and national.

Characteristics of Terrorism

  1. This happens against the state or the government.
  2. It is illegal.
  3. In this, the public is frightened or frightened.
  4. It is accidental.
  5. Flawless people are targeted.
  6. This is an inhuman act.
  7. Its purpose is political, social or religious.
  8. This kills the wise idea.

Objectives of Terrorism

  1. Promoting its purpose and gaining maximum public support.
  2. To increase your power, attract the Yowas towards you by confusing them.
  3. Get your voice through threats.
  4. Damage to public property.
  5. Eliminate opponents and informers.
  6. The morale of the government and the army falls.
  7. Harming the security and integrity of the country.

Reason of Terrorism

(1) Colonialism – The Birth of Modern Terrorism Often repressive activities adopted by the regime in colonial administrations (countries) for years can also be called as terrorist activities and in response to that, they are considered to be born freedom movements.

(2) Identity of Nationality – In the independent nation some special ethnicity and religious groups started demanding separate nations for their identity, for which these groups started organized and Sunoji movement. This type of terrorism war is coming in Sri Lanka, Chechnya (Russia), India etc.

(3) Promotion of the Nation to Terrorism Activities – In promoting terrorism, some nations and countries are interested in increasing their political, social and economic interests and in a systematic way motivate and help the struggling groups to carry out terrorist activities.

(4) Lack of resources and resources – If the citizens of a country need some kind of means and they do not take any suitable steps by their nation to fulfill them, then some people of their country can commit violence against the nation. It seems that their objective is to fulfill the demand of resources.

(5) Disregard of policy-makers – neglecting any particular caste or region by national governments. Their deprivation of political, economic, and civil rights leads to frustration in them, which leads to rebellion, violence and separatism. For example terrorism of North East state of India.

(6) Development of communication tools – Information technology (Internet, fax, phone, satellite) and scientific research has not given birth to terrorism but by making it easy to provide new directions to terrorism.

(7) The trend of exploitation and injustice – underdeveloped and impoverished countries were exploited by imperialism. It also develops terrorism by promoting the tendency of antisemitism.

(8) There is intense dissatisfaction among the youth – unemployment, poverty, sickness, illiteracy, corruption, nepotism etc. There is dissatisfaction among the aspiring youth for many reasons, so it becomes associated with trafficking, drug trade and terrorism.

(9) Illegal arms trade – When people start getting illegal arms easily, TB also promotes terrorism.

(10) Foreign Assistance to Terrorism – When the people of a country start getting economic, social or any kind of help from foreign countries or companies, then the dissatisfaction within them promotes the militant tendency towards their country or society.

(11) Corruption – If the tendency of corruption within the people sitting in government posts of a country increases, then the feeling of dissatisfaction within people increases terrorism.

(12) Delay in the justice system – The absence of justice in the right manner or at the right time also reduces the trust of the people from their country and the justice system which ultimately leads to terrorism.

(13) Party politics – Political parties here, these parties are ready to do anything from wrong to wrong to come to power or to remain in power.

(14) Other reasons – failure of intelligence services and administration 2. Lack of moral education 3. Decline in moral values ​​etc.

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