
Important Information about Planet Venus

Venus is the second largest planet in distance from the Sun and the sixth largest in size. It is the brightest object in the sky after the sun and moon.

Basic Information about Planet Venus

Distance from Sun10 million 82 million kilometers
Polar diameter12,104 km
One yearequivalent to 224.7 days on Earth
Geostationary circle38,025 km
Mass (Weight)4,867,320,000,000,000 billion kg (486732 billion billion kg)

Planet Venus Facts

1. One day of the planet Venus is larger than its one year. Yes, Venus takes about 224.70 days on Earth to complete a round with respect to the Sun while 243 days to complete a round relative to its axis (axis).

2. Venus is also called the sister of Earth because there is a lot of similarity in the size of both. The diameter of the planet Venus is 95 percent of the diameter of the Earth and 80 percent of the Earth in weight. The craters are low on both and the density and chemical composition are similar.

3. On Venus, there are several kilometers thick layers of sulfuric acid clouds which completely cover its surface. For this reason the surface of the planet Venus cannot be seen. Strong winds blow at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour from the middle of these clouds.

4. Due to the similarities found in Venus and Earth, and the clouds above Venus, it was previously predicted that the planet Venus would probably be similar to Earth under clouds and have life there. Later, it was informed from the sent satellites and vehicles that both the planets are quite different from each other and that life on Venus is impossible.

5. The atmosphere of the planet Venus is mainly made up of carbon dioxide. This much carbon di oxide causes a very high greenhouse effect, causing the temperature of its sun-side portion to reach 462 degrees Celsius. Such a high temperature makes it the hottest planet in the solar system.

6. The atmospheric pressure of Venus is 92 times the atmospheric pressure of Earth. Such high pressure is only one kilometer below the surface of the sea.

7. Russia tried to send Venira 1 Special Misson Venus in 1961, but the mission was unsuccessful due to the disconnection. After this, US Mariner 1 also failed to reach Venus orbit, although Mariner 2 was successful which sent many statistics related to Venus. After this, Venera 3 of the Soviet Union became the first manned aircraft to reach Venus’s surface. So far, more than 20 vehicles have traveled to Venus.

8. Venus Express space shuttle sent by European Space Agency in 2006 discovered more than 1000 volcanoes on Venus. According to the data, volcanoes are still active on Venus, but in a few areas, most of the region is calm for millions of years. On the other hand, the data obtained from the vehicles shows that most of the surface of Venus is covered by the substances of Lawe.

9. There are no small pits on Venus. The reason for this is that meteors burn before they hit the surface in Venus’s atmosphere. But on Venus, bursts have been found simultaneously in many places, which seems that a large meteor splits into small pieces before hitting the surface.

10. Earlier Greeks and Romans considered Venus not one but two planets. The Greeks called the morning-looking star Phasphorus and the night-looking star as Hosporus. The Romans were called Lucifer and Vesper in succession. But later their astronomers found that it is a planet, not two. After this, these people started calling Venus the goddess of beauty and love because of the highest brightness in the night sky.

Question – 1 In which part of the sky does Venus appear before the sun goes out?

Answer: Venus orbits the Sun at a higher speed than Earth. Therefore, it can be seen in the east before the sun sets in the morning. Similarly, Venus can be seen shining in the sky in the west direction in the evening.

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