Animals and Birds

Snakes – History, Habitat and Facts about Snakes

Snakes are a creeping creature. There are approximately 3000 species of snake presented in the whole world, but not all snakes are poisonous. Snakes that are poisonous have a bag of poison in their mouth that is attached to their teeth. When a poisonous snake bites a creature, the poison passes into its body. Let’s know some interesting facts about snakes.

' Snake ' ' Types of Snake ' ' Snake family ' ' Snake breeds '

Facts about Snakes

1. The snake does not take its daily dose. But they eat only once a week, month or year.

2. Snakes do not chew anything but swallow it directly. Snakes also eat frogs, lizards, birds, mouse, and snakes smaller than themselves. The dragon of Africa swallows even the smallest cow.

3. The snake senses the waves rising from the earth by attaching the lower part of its jaw to the ground. The snake has the ability to get information about destructive storms like earthquakes and tsunamis.

4. Snakes do not need much water either. They get water from their prey only.

5. According to scientists, two special types of holes are found on the head of Viper, Python and Boa Snake. Above these holes, a leaf membrane is formed which is very sensitive to heat. A large number of nerves are found in the membrane. For this reason, this organ is able to feel temperature and pain.

This membrane can easily detect the heat emitted into the body of various organisms in the form of infrared radiation. However, this membrane does not get any help from the eyes in realizing the source of heat. Despite this, it creates a heat image of that scripture. With this, the snake gets an accurate idea of ​​the size of the existing organism and becomes careful about it.

( 06 TO 10 ) Facts about Snakes

6. According to one figure, 46 thousand people are killed by snake bite every year in India, whereas the official figure is only 20 thousand. The main reason for this is neither the necessary information about the poisonous snakes found in India nor the methods of prevention are known.

7. Snakes are not found in two small countries of the world, New Zealand, Iceland and Antarctica.

8. King cobras are the longest snakes among poisonous snakes and usually have a length of up to 18 feet. Their poison is so dangerous that only 7 millimeters of it can kill 20 men or 1 elephant.

9. We can teach lion by tranning, but not a snake. This happens because snakes cannot learn anything. The cerebral hemisphere is not found in his mind like other organisms. This part of the brain controls learning. This part does not exist in the snake’s mind, so he does not learn anything.

10. Snake does not hear any sound. Snakes are deaf. The sound waves produced in the air have no effect on the snake. Hearing the voice of the bean, the snake’s arrival is only an illusion spread among the people.

( 11 TO 15 ) Facts about Snakes

11. A snake can eat prey three times bigger than its mouth.

12. Snakes do not have eyelids on their eyes. A thin and transparent membrane protects the snake’s eyes in place of the eyelids.

13. Snake never bites without piercing, most biting incidents happen due to accidentally falling on them.

14. The snake senses the waves rising from the earth and a bit of movement by applying the lower part of its jaw to the ground, which has the ability to give information about destructive storms like earthquakes and tsunamis.

15. Snakes smell not with their nostrils but with their tongues. Snakes with their tongues explore the surrounding environment.

( 16 TO 22 ) Facts about Snakes

16. Some people give up their lives even in fear of snake without poison.

17. Snakes extract their entire skin (skins, snakes) at least three times a year.

18. If ever a snake falls after you, do not panic, just run like a snake like a zig zag. A snake can follow you fast on a straight run, but a snake will not be able to chase you for long.

19. Some snakes can live for two years without food.20. Snakes open their mouths up to 150 degrees.

21. Snakes do not have eyelids, so they sleep with open eyes.

22. Snakes can breathe from their skin, so that they can stay in water for long in search of prey.

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