Describe a time when you were cheated cue card

Describe a time when you were cheated

● What was the occasion
● Who was the person
● What did he hide about
● Why do you think he did not tell the whole truth

1. Well, I’d like to start by saying that I’m lucky to have many people in my life who are above board.

2. My parents and teachers have always encouraged me to speak and support truth as they believe HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY.

3. But here I’d like to talk about a time when my best friend lied to me.

4. It was the time when me and my bosom friend were in senior secondary class.

5. It was the day of our Final Exams Result.

6. When I became aware that I’ve passed my senior secondary with flying colours, I was jumping with joy.

7. However, when I called my best mate for asking about her result, she told me that she couldn’t clear her final exams.

8. That news was a bolt from the blue for me to be honest.

9. I could feel in her voice that she was stressed but I tried to boost her morale.

10. After talking to her for a while, I explained this to my parents and they were also surprised.

11. After some time, all of a sudden, my friend came to my house carrying a box of Chocolates.

12. For a while, I stood still and couldn’t believe what was happening.

13. Then, she revealed her real marks and confessed that she was kidding with me.

14. I felt little disheartened at that time but when she told me that she also cleared the exams with flying colours, I felt delighted.

15. Furthermore, all my disappointments flew away when she apologised to me.

16. My parents also felt happy after hearing her result.

17. We planned for our future while enjoying some delicious snacks and a cup of coffee.

18. To cut the long story short, for a short period of time, I felt disappointed that she lied to me.

19. However, when she told me about her true marks, my happiness knew no boundaries.

Part 3 Follow Up Describe a time when you were cheated

1. Do you think telling White lies is acceptable sometimes?
Yes, it is. White lies are good lies. They are told so as not to hurt the sentiments of the other person. They have a good cause and so it is alright to tell white lies. For example, a mother may hide from his child that he is suffering from a fatal disease and may not live long.

2. Do you think honesty is the only important quality that should be in a person.
No, I don’t think so. Honesty is important, but intelligence, helpful nature, a good sense of humour and many other things are equally important.

3. Do you think children should be taught honesty in young age.
Yes, they should be taught honesty at a young age. Honesty is something parents can teach without any extra effort. All they have to do is to lead by example. Children imbibe everything from their parents. They generally act and behave as their parents do. As such honesty has no lessons. Children are natural apes. So, if parents are honest, so are the children.

4. Do you think being completely honest all times can be not good?
Yes, sometimes being too honest means being too blunt and may sound rude or even hurt the other person’s self esteem. For example, if a four year old makes a drawing which you think is not at all good, you can still tell the child that she has done a good job. That will encourage the child to draw again and become better. Similarly, at times a doctor may have to tell a cancer patient that he will get well, even if the chances of recovery are next to nil.

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