A person you think has interesting ideas and opinions

A person you think has interesting ideas and opinions

Who this person is
How you know this person
What kinds of ideas and opinions he has
How do you think of this person

  1. I would like to start by introducing the person who has loads of amazing ideas and different views.
  2. She is none other than my own life partner, John. Even though he is 40, he could easily pass for 30.
  3. He has a round face and looks handsome.
  4. Well, I know him since my first day of college.
  5. We met during the registration of courses and in fact, we had selected the same courses for our graduation.
  6. Later on, we fall in love and eventually got married after a year of the graduation convocation ceremony.
  7. You know, he could think of any ideas just in a blink of an eye.
  8. Once I asked him about how should we start a new business, you won’t believe, he comes up with around 8-9 business plan which all were very interesting.
  9. For example, meditation class for disabled people and designing handicraft materials.
  10. Overall, I feel proud of him for his innovatively thinking and thankful for god for having such a wonderful partner.

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