Organisational Behaviour

Type Theory Of Personality – Organisational Behaviour

Type Theory Of Personality – This is the oldest theory. According to this theory, individuals can be placed in different categories on the basis of their special traits. All the people belonging to a particular category have similar traits. It means that all have a similar personality. Therefore, it can be said that there can be various types of personality.

For example, being introvert is a personality. People belonging to such a category possess similar traits. They include some common traits like disinterestedness in social work, hesitancy, avoiding meeting people and speaking very little, etc. Type Theory Of Personality have been presented by Sheldon and Karljung. They are the following;

(1) Sheldon’s Personality Theory

In the year 1940, Sheldon presented his Personality Type Theory on the basis of physical formation. He studied 4,000 students in order to determine the type of personality based on the basis of physical formation. He divided personality into the following three parts:

(i) Endomorph: In this category of personality, the people are short statured and fat. Their body is of round shape. According to Sheldon, these people are jovial, social, enjoy taking rest and show great interest in eatables. These people are popular with others.

(ii) Mesomorph: People belonging to this type of personality, are attractively built. Their main traits happen to be assertion and aggressiveness. These people enjoy giving commands to others.

(iii) Ectomorph: People belonging to this type of personality are lean and thin and have a good height. Physically they are not fully developed. These people like loneliness and do not want to meet people freely. They are shy by nature and they suffer from some problems with their sleep.

(2) Karljung’s Personality Theory

(i) Extrovert: These people have the following traits:

  1. Interest in social activities.
  2. Like meeting people.
  3. Be always happy or cheerful.
  4. They are of optimistic nature.
  5. They believe in realism.
  6. They are useful for society.
  7. They are interested in eating and drinking.

(ii) Introvert: These people possess the traits which happen to be opposite of the traits of people who are extrovert. Their chief traits are the following:

  1. Not interested in social activities
  2. Like living alone.
  3. Be always uneasy.
  4. Conservative by nature.
  5. They are self-centered.
  6. They do not like consulting other people.
  7. Ungenial behaviour.

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