Organisational Behaviour

Group Dynamics – Definition And Components

What is group dynamics – Group dynamics refers to those forces operating or present in the group and which influence the behaviour of the members of the group. These forces chiefly are the group composition, group norms, group leadership, group cohesiveness, etc. The study of group dynamics is important for every manager. This study provides information to the managers about the way to control the behaviour of the members of the group.

Group Dynamics Definition

According to Kurt Levin “Group dynamics deal with internal nature of groups, how they are formed, what structure and processes they adopt, how they function and affect individual members, other groups and the organisation.”

Components Of Group Dynamics

(1) Group Composition – Group Composition has an important part to play in influencing the group dynamics. Group composition depends on the extent of commonalty of the members of the group. The members of a group are either homogeneous or heterogeneous. In the homogeneous group the members have similar qualities. This similarity can be (i) Demographic, e.g. Caste, Sex, Education, Experience, Age, Income, Culture, etc., (ii) Personality; (iii) Abilities; and (iv) Opinions. In the heterogeneous group the members differ on these points.

(2) Group Norms – Some rules are required for the successful running of the activities of a group. These rules are known as norms in a group. Norms are those standards which guide the behaviour of the members of the group.

(3) Group Leadership – Group Leadership is another element that influences the behaviour of the members. Every group has a leader. The style of working of the leader has an effect on the behaviour of the members of the group. He/She gives an identity to the group as a functioning unit. Groups can both be formal and informal.

In the formal group, leaders are appointed. Their ranks, powers and responsibilities are formally laid down (explained). The chief function of these leaders is to order and direct the members in the work of achieving the objectives of the organisation. On the contrary, leaders are not appointed in the informal group but are accepted because of their personality or impression. Such leaders help the members of the aroup in giving expression to their thoughts and helping them in getting their demands highlighted.

(4) Group Cohesiveness – It refers to the closeness or commonness of attitude, behaviour and performance of the members of the group.

(5) Group Status – Group status refers to the position or rank of a person in a group which he gets because of his personal qualities. A person is recognised by his status and gets motivated by high rank. The behaviour of a motivated person is different to others. In nutshell, we can say that because of the differences in the ranks people behave differently.

(6) Role – It refers to the expected behaviour of the occupant of some special position.

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