ISO Full Form – What Is The Full Form Of ISO

ISO Full Form is International Organization for Standardization. ISO is an international organization which provides standards of quality standards for the processing of different products and services across the world. ISO 9000 and ISO 14001 are the most popular standards of ISO. ISO 9001 implements quality management and ISO 14001 implements environmental management so that the quality of the product and service would good and the environment is not damaged by it.

The International Organization for Standardization was established on 23 February 1947 in Geneva. It is an NGO of National Standards Institutions. About 130 countries of the world are members of ISO.

Each member country has a national body and represents the standardization of its country. Members of Western industrialized countries are usually private organizations, while members of other countries are often governmental organizations.

About ISO

  1. The International Organization for Standardization, established in 1947.
  2. In 10 countries, more than 10 lakhs institutes companies and institutions are certified by ISO 9001.
  3. The first meeting of the International Standardization Organization Standardization took place on 14 October 1946 in London.
  4. ISO has 162 countries and has published 19,500 international standards so far.
  5. ATM machines, light bulbs, telephone codes or the Internet, there are standards for everything.
  6. Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland, where more than 150 people work.

Advantages Of Getting ISO Certification

  • Whenever a company takes ISO certification for any of its services or products, it has to follow the process of quality standards of ISO.
  • Due to which the quality of products and services of that company is better.
  • Apart from this, customers also know this very well, so today, customers would like to take ISO certified service and products more.

List Of Popular ISO Standards 

  1. ISO 9000: It is used for standardization of quality management.
  2. ISO 10012: It is used to measure management system.
  3. ISO 14000: It is used for standardization of environmental management.
  4. ISO 19011: It provides a guideline to audit management system.
  5. ISO 2768-1: It is used to provide an standard for general tolerance.
  6. ISO 31000: It is a standard for risk management.
  7. ISO 50001: It is a standard for energy management.
  8. ISO 4217: It is used for standardization of currency codes.

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