FM Full Form is Frequency Modulation. It is used in FM broadcasting and radio communication applications. FM is used to broadcast High – Fidelity Sound on radio worldwide. AM broadcasting is a chief competing radio broadcasting technology but FM gives better sound quality compared to it hence it is used more than AM.
How does FM Broadcasting Work ?
- FM broadcasting is done with FM stations. Firstly, channels are made for this and they are set at a frequency.
- The audio is converting into Analog Signals and it is spreaded by tower.
- When you set the frequency on the dial of the radio, as soon as the frequency of the radio is equal to the frequency of the channel, the Radio Analog Signals are received.
- Analog Signals are converted into digital Signals by radio and you hear the sound which is broadcast on the Channel by the _ _ _ Station.
Benefits Of FM broadcasting
- FM is less prone to noise because the FM signal’s information is varied through frequency variation, not in amplitude variation.
- The frequency range of FM radio is higher comparatively. It ranges from 88 to 108 MHz or 1200 to 2400 bits per second.
- FM produces better sound quality due to higher bandwidth.
- FM is known for its good audio quality so FM radio is also known as High Fidelity sets.
- In FM broadcasting, it is possible to use non-linear RF amplifiers to amplify FM signals.
- FM is resilient to signal-variation that makes it suitable for mobile applications where signal levels vary constantly.
- In FM broadcasting, modulation can be applied to a low power stage of the transmitter.
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