Describe a law on environmental protection

Describe a law on environmental protection

  • What it is ?
  • How you first learned about it ?
  • Who benefits from it ?
  • And explain how you feel about this law ?

  • There are many laws been passed by some countries, such as No Smoking, Plastic Ban, Forest related and many others.
  • Here, I would like to talk about law on the e-waste.
  • This law was presented and passed in May 2011 to the cabinet and bring into action in May 2012.
  • The main objective of this law is to reduce the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.
  • I love reading newspapers and acquire knowledge about what’s going around us.
  • So newspaper is the primary source from where I came to know about his law.
  • From the news, I received only minimum details about it, but when I discuss this with my friend who works as Electrical Engineer, he highlighted many benefits of this law and how the general public can also contribute to this.
  • This rule was applied to every producer and consumer of electrical and electronics equipment.
  • This law of course contributes to reducing carbon emission into the atmosphere. And as a result, it will help the Earth and our environment.
  • In a nutshell, I would say this law really takes my attention and how we could help the environment by just e-waste of electronics gadget that we use in daily life.
  • Whenever I have a chance to speak about this I share this information with others so that they would be aware of this and contribute to this same.

Questions asked by examiner in part 3

1. Do you think this law is acceptable to the people?

Yes, I think this law has been accepted well by the people of India. There is growing awareness about the environmental issues and Indians too are making their efforts to save and preserve the environment.

2. Is there any situation wherein people may disobey the law?

Yes, there are situations when people disobey the/this law. The main reasons for such laws not being followed by the people are personal profits/benefits and the convenience that they may have to give up.

3. Do people like being a police officer in your country?

Yes, many people in my country like being a police officer. Every year there are several people who take the tests to become a police officer. The competition that exists for such exams is a clear indicator that many people strive to become police officers and serve their country.

4. What qualities should a police officer possess?

A police officer should possess many qualities. He/she should be physically fit and active and should have a passion to serve the people and the Nation. Some other qualities are honesty, eagerness to search for the truth and bring justice to people, some skills like martial arts or other such combat skills to fight the criminals, courage, fearlessness, determination, and many more such qualities.

5. Why some people prefer to be a lawyer?

Some people prefer to be a lawyer because they want to ensure that everyone receives justice and is treated fairly by the law. They may have a desire to fight for others’ rights and ensure that everyone gets a fair chance to justify their actions. Some people choose this profession because of the prospects of earning money and fame.

6. Should people be penalized when they use mobile phones while driving?

These days vehicles are well equipped with a system wherein you can connect via bluetooth to your mobile and you can be handsfree and still use your mobile but if a driver is talking or texting on the phone while driving he should be heavily penalized.

7. Is kindness the most important quality of a police officer?

No, kindness is certainly not the best quality of a Police Officer. A Police officer has to be honest, straightforward, and very curious while performing his duty. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to be very kind as the criminals may take advantage of the situation

8. Do you think both men and women can be police officers?

These days we are living in an egalitarian society so gender bias doesn’t hold ground in any profession. Every man and every woman is worthy of any profession. So both and men and women are equally capable of serving in the police department

9. Do you think the police officers are paid too much?

I think in the Western world police officers are paid well in accordance to their duties but in the developing countries their salaries do not match the work they do, they deserve better salaries. But I do not agree that they are paid too much because they face too many dangers of life and limb while performing their services.

10. Do all Indian people obey the law?

Human psychology is the same everywhere in the world when the citizens know that they are going to be caught, penalized, put behind the bars, they will obey the law. A law well implemented is well obeyed. I think Indian people know they can find loopholes to save themselves, so they do not obey the law. I have come across very honest Indians and very dishonest people from other nations so the system that has to get strict.

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