ARMY Full Form – What Is The Full Form Of ARMY

ARMY stands for Alert Regular Mobility Young. India is a country whose army is very large following china. There would be approximately 1,440,000 Active Military Personnel. Many people has dream to get job in Indian ARMY. For getting job of Indian army, youth really works hard. Recruitment in the Indian Army requires a lot of hard work and dedication, which is not so easy task.

Indian ARMY Eligibility

1It is must to have completed school life.
2You must be a good Height to be admitted to Indian ARMY.
3Your body weight should not be less than 50 kg. And you should be strong.
4Minimum age requirement is 17.5 years, when he or she tries to join.

On hearing the word ARMY, a tremendous amount of confidence is seen in every Indian. Actually there is such power in this word which also adds strength to the lifeless. The Indian Army is one of the leading armies of the world today. The Indian Army has all the three things: passion, consciousness and strength. The Indian Army stands at the border day and night to protect the people of the country. In such a situation, whenever the Army is mentioned, the chest of every Indian becomes wide with pride.

Indian ARMY Salary

As per my views, If I talk about the salary of Indian army, then it depends on the post. Overall, it can be seen that minimum salary of Indian army soldier is 40,000 Indian rupees. After the 7th Pay Commission announcement, the government has decided on an attractive pay package which consists of pay and allowance. This package hasn’t been released on the official website, yet. 

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