
Complete Biography Of Rani Rudrama Devi

Rani Rudrama devi was one of the most prominent rulers of the Kakatiya dynasty on the Deccan plateau. She was only one of the women who ruled the Kakatiya dynasty. She was the queen of Indian history. She was a star of medieval history of South India. She was the youngest queen in the Kakatiya dynasty among Indian women rulers.

Rani Rudrama Devi

Rudramadevi was the daughter of Ganapati Dev. Ganapati Dev had no son; He had only two daughters, Rudramadevi and Janapamadevi. Rudramadevi or Rudramba married a prince of the Eastern Chalukya dynasty named Virabhadra. The second marriage was done in the family’s Kota Bansh.

After the death of Ganapati Dev, Rudramadevi was nominated as the son of the Kakatiya dynasty and started ruling the official language with her father as co-prince from 1259-60 and she became the Rudramadevi queen there. .

Struggle of Rudramadevi

Many problems in Kakatiya dynasty came in the form of Rani Rudramadevi. Since childhood, she had become the son of her empire, as her father wanted to hand over the kingdom to her child. But he said that what is the reason that women cannot inherit the empire.

He faced many difficulties in his life and changed his life completely. The people of the empire were against the successors, which was caused by the revolt of their feudalists. Eventually, however, he maintained the integrity of his empire.

Rudrama Devi Marriage

Rani Rudramadevi married Veer Bhadra. He was the prince of Nidadavolu, the Chalukya. He prepared himself as a boy and learned the intricacies of warships, various aspects of the administration of the state, as each prince has to become a promising ruler through such training in his early stages.

Attack on Kakatiya Empire

During the years 1268–70, the Yadav king Mahadeva invaded the Kakatiya empire but gained nothing from it. This was an attack and did not result in the loss of any area of ​​Kakatiya dynasty.

During the year 1280, Rudramadevi’s grandson was appointed as the crown prince. Then in 1285, the Panjis, the Yadavas and the Hosailas tried to capture the Kakatiya kingdom together, but Prataparudadeva, the crown prince successfully resolved the situation.

People believed that women could not inherit the state, they were all wrong, because Rudramadevi’s valor and firm determination proved that women are not inferior to men.

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