
Real Time Operating System

Real Time Operating System

Real time system is defines as a data-processing system in which the time interval required to process & respond to inputs is so small that it control the environment. Real time processing is always on-line whereas on line system need not be real time. In this method, data relating to each single transaction, received via the  telecommunication line, is treated as batch and the processed results are communicated back instantaneously, enabling decisions to be made on the basis of the latest information.

The time taken by the system to respond to an input i.e. the time between pressing of last key by the operator cursor. & display of required updated information is termed as response time. So in this method response time is very less as compare to the online processing.

Advantages Of Real Time Operating System

  • Response time is very less.
  • Better throughput.
  • Large memory.
  • 24 hours service provider
  • Provide information up-to-minute

Disadvantages Real Time Operating System

  • Very costly.
  • Large main memory and secondary storage required.
  • Complex communication systems.
  • Stand by facilities required to take care of such events as systems failure.

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