DRDO Full Form – What Is The Full Form Of DRDO

DRDO Full Form is Defence Research and Development Organization. DRDO is an Indian organization, which manages all the functions related to the defense of India. This organization is largely associated with the Indian Ministry of Defense, and is monitored only by the Indian government or the Indian Ministry of Defense.

DRDO started in 1958, at that time India used to purchase around 70% defense related items from outside, but despite the passage of time, the situation is not much different at present.

DRDO currently has 52 laboratories in which more than 30 thousand workers work and among those 30,000 employees there are more than 4500 scientist. If we talk about the annual budget of DRDO, then it is around 16000 crores which the Indian government provides, so that this organization can do its work very well.

DRDO manufactures strong and world-class weapons for all three defense services, such as the Army, Navy and Air Force, and continues to strive to make those weapons technically stronger. It is doing a great job in many areas of military technology, such as vehicles and electronics used for weapons and defense, missiles, materials and very good computing and is involved in improving many aircraft.

DRDO Vision

Make India prosperous by establishing world class science and technology base and provide our Defence Services decisive edge by equipping them with internationally competitive systems and solutions.

DRDO Mission

  1. Design, develop and lead to production state-of-the-art sensors, weapon systems, platforms and allied equipment for our Defence Services.
  2. Provide technological solutions to the Services to optimise combat effectiveness and to promote well-being of the troops.
  3. Develop infrastructure and committed quality manpower and build strong indigenous technology base.

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